
Gun violence in the US

Much like al-Qaeda and Isis, and their textual literalism that has been tied to a certain reading of the Koran, so gun rights and the violence that inevitably accompanies them have been the results of America’s founding constitutional documents.

US politicians are too distracted by culture wars to address problems such as climate change and global food shortages that will kill far more people than those who die in gun violence.


Just as domestic mass killings are almost always good for gun stock investors in the United States, so foreign wars with US military involvement will for sure boost the share prices of American weapons manufacturers.

  • Prosecutors say she had a duty to prevent her son Ethan – who was 15 when he killed 4 students in 2021 – from harming others
  • She was accused of failing to secure a gun and ammunition at home and failing to get help to support the teen’s mental health

The indictment follows a forensic test showing that the actor would have had to pull the trigger for the gun to fire the bullet that killed Halyna Hutchins.


A damning Justice Department report cited critical failures by Texas law enforcement who waited until 21 people had been killed by a mass shooter at a school before finally intervening.


The day before the anniversary of the US Capitol riot, Biden said the 2024 presidential race – a likely rematch with Trump – is ‘all about’ whether American democracy will survive.


Under the new law, to take effect at the start of 2024, people cannot carry concealed guns in 26 categories of ‘sensitive places’ including hospitals, playgrounds, stadiums, zoos and places of worship.

The gunman who killed three professors and wounded one at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, was a financially struggling academic whose job applications were rejected by several higher-education institutions.

Shooting at the University of Nevada, a short distance from the Las Vegas Strip, was the latest in the United States where gun violence is a part of the fabric of daily life.

A suspect was arrested in the shooting of three college students of Palestinian descent in Burlington, Vermont, an attack police are investigating as a suspected hate-motivated crime.

In early January, a 6-year-old pulled out his mother’s handgun and shot Abby Zwerner as she sat at a reading table in front of her first-grade class.

Hundreds of police have been searching for a gunman – said to be a trained firearms instructor – after fatal shots were fired at a bar and a bowling alley in Maine.


President Joe Biden railed against white supremacy, asking Americans to unite against hatred in the wake of what authorities describe as a racially-motivated killing of three black people in Florida over the weekend.

The 90-minute torture session in January ended with a victim being shot in the mouth. The officers then devised a cover-up that included planting drugs and a gun on one of the men.

An intoxicated Ferguson shot his wife in the chest during an argument at their home where policed seized 47 firearms and more than 26,000 rounds of ammunition.

Agents were trying to serve a warrant on the home of self-proclaimed MAGA Trumper Craig Robertson, who posted online about cleaning off his sniper rifle.